Exterior view of the H2O thermal bath in Bad Waltersdorf

Location and arrival

Your fastest way to get to us

Our address:

H2O Hoteltherme GmbH

Sebersdorf 300

8271 Bad Waltersdorf

Directions to the H2O thermal bath by car from the west, north and east:

From Vienna:

  • Follow Süd Autobahn/E59 up to L401 in Styria
  • Follow Süd Autobahn/E59 - exit 126-Bad Waltersdorf

From Wels/Linz:

  • Start on A8 towards Voralpenkreuz/Voralpenkreuz
  • At the junction A1/A9 change to A8 then A9 towards Graz/Slovenia
  • Follow A9 and Süd Autobahn up to L401 in Styria, take the Süd Autobahn exit 127-Bad Waltersdorf

From Salzburg:

  • A1 towards Vienna
  • Change to A9 at the junction Voralpenkreuz
  • Then follow Süd Autobahn to L401 in Styria
  • On Süd Autobahn, take the exit 127-Bad Waltersdorf

By the way: The nearest airport is Graz, the nearest train station Graz main station.

You have questions concerning your journey to the H2O hotel thermal bath resort or to the thermal bath or want to book a room at the thermal bath hotel? Get into contact with us, we will be happy to help you.

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